Thursday, December 9, 2010

'Tis the treat yourself ;)

So technically I should be saving my money, shopping for others, blah blah blah. But after the crazy week I've had with exams, rehearsals, cold weather (aka aching body), and a breakdown cry to top it all off I decided to treat myself along with 3 other friends and go see the new movie "Black Swan."

It turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made in a while.

I had seen the trailer and accompanying clips on the NY Times website but I still wasn't sure exactly what to expect. Turns out it was everything I could have wanted and more. It was the perfect balance of REAL dancing, relatable scenarios, and craziness.

"Black Swan" dealt with very real issues like mirror complex, perfectionism, body image, and role immersion that are present in the ballet world and then multiplied those emotions and complexes by 100 for a psycho thriller.

Natalie Portman does a stellar job of playing this deeply afflicted ballerina who has unhealthy relationships with her mom, director, dance, and herself. While its obvious that she has a body double (who dances beautifully) when the camera follows Portman's upper body her port de bras is striking and surprisingly believable. You can tell that she's been trained well and fully prepped for the role.

I encourage all to escape the cold and go see it. It's only playing in select theaters but it's worth it. After all, how often does a good dance movie (that's not hip-hop and cheesy)come along? Especially one that exploits the fact that ballet can and will fuck with your head.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post, Courtney. I agree: Natalie was astonishing. The Oscar is hers to lose, IMHO. I'm interested to hear more about "mirror complex" -- as a non-dancer, it's an unfamiliar term to me. I'm going to Google it later. BTW, it was announced yesterday that Natalie is now engaged to the choreographer on the film -- just another thing that was going on in her head while making the movie, no doubt!
