Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm Pregnant

Yes, the title is true (sorry Mom and Dad) I'm pregnant. It's weird though because I don't have morning sickness or headaches, I’m not showing, and it’s been wayyy over 9 months…144 to be exact. Don’t worry I know this isn’t typical, normal, or medically possible but it’s true…somewhat. See it’s not your average pregnancy where young girl gets knocked up by some boy in the back of a pickup truck and nine months later little Johnny is here. Instead I’m talking about an artistry baby that’s been growing bit by bit inside of me ever since I was 9 years old and performed in my first dance recital to “How Come You Do Me Like You Do?” (This is the song...get into it!)Itchy crushed velvet and all I knew I was home up there and have been chasing my dream to become a dancer ever since. 

I didn’t realize I had been carrying around this artistry baby until much later, last summer to be in fact. I was doing a program at LINES Ballet in San Francisco, taking class with the always inspiring Alonzo King when he asked us a simple question. “If you had a young child or baby, what would you want to teach it? How would you help it grow?” 

We went around the room saying things as obvious as feeding it to the more discerning actions like teaching it patience and acceptance. When we finished giving answers he told us that we in fact had our own child/baby within us right at that moment. It was our artistry baby and we must take care of it and nurture it just like we would a real baby in order for it to grow and develop into something beautiful. 

Wait what??

I knoww it sounds weird but think about it.

No, REALLY think about it.

It makes sense right?

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